Friday, June 19, 2009

june, june where art thou?

Man. Yet another month that is slipping past with incredible speed. Ah, but soon it will be July 1 and the client project I'm working on will be live (it's alive!) and then I can go back to my slightly less than all consuming regular job.

The Max will be happy there is no more travel - I abandoned him to the care of my mother the past two weeks so I could gallivant off to the wilds of New Jersey and run client testing. He had much to tell me when I got home. Oh, and in recompense he would like me to spend the rest of my life pouring cups of water down the bathtub drain so he can play.

Is it wrong that this photo makes me think "Damn, it feels good to be a gangster"?

He is currently marauding around the dining room table trying to knock everything that isn't nailed down onto the floor.

Anyway. I am looking forward to things slowing down slightly. My apartment now has a deck, built while I was away this week, and I find I am suddenly in need of a chair to lounge on and limes for a gin and tonic. Priorities people.