I am a little tired of being an adult. I have been being -very- grown up lately and attempting to get my financial house in order, be more fulfilled at work and take care of myself physically. Which has mostly seemed to involve making a lot of appointments and then running around like a crazy person trying to keep everything going.
My mother often says that if you want something done you should ask a busy person to do it and I can see her point. There is a certain momentum gained from the full-frontal assault on the list of things you've been putting off. But I am tired. And I need some of things that are up in the air - booking my flight for work, filling out the novel worth of forms for the nutritionist, doing the homework for the homeopath - to get checked off. Which they will... soon... but until then there is just too much floating around in my head to really feel settled.
Which I know is not exciting. But is true.
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